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Helping you reach your academic peak!
"The important thing is not to stop questioning; curiosity has its own reason for existing.”
Math Tutoring
[1hr - 25] - Elementary School Level
[1hr - 30] - High School Level
Math 8-12
Pre-Calculus 11-12
AP Calculus
Science Tutoring
Science Honours 9-10
Science 8-10
Chemistry Tutoring
[1hr - $30]
Chemistry 11-12
Chemistry Honours 11
AP Chemistry
Biology Tutoring
Biology 11-12
Life Science Honours 11
AP Biology 12
Physics Tutoring
Physics 11-12
AP Physics 1-2
English Tutoring
English 8-12
English Honours 8-10
AP Lang/Lit
French Tutoring
French 8-12
A subject of your choice
English Writing
All grades and subjects
Group Tutoring
(2+ people)
[1hr - $20]
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